Saturday, August 30, 2008

Last Days of Summer

My mom, grandmother and Aunt Cissy came to visit for my birthday for a couple of days while en route to Michigan. Today is the first day that I've really had an opportunity to do much with them other than my birthday dinner at Hu Ke Lau.

We made the trek up to Deerfield... fortunately bypassing Yankee Candle, one of my most detested places on earth. The smell of that tourist trap is enough to give me a headache just driving by.

Our first visit was to the Flynt Center of Early New England Life. They had a textile exhibit which I wasn't really interested in seeing, but their "attic" is a collection of items not on exhibit. Frankly, I'd rather see pieces in this sort of setting, rather than a dry, spoonfed display. They had tons of stuff set up in glass, climate controlled display cases.

The most interesting items were the powder horns. These would be the vessels made from a cow's horn that served to hold gunpowder for firearms. Some were engraved as exquisitely as any fine art print while others had a much more primitive style.

Most were created by or for soldiers in the 1760's to 1780's while posted at remote forts. I guess they had a lot of free time on their hands.

From there we went down to the Boyden Carriage Collection. If you like stuff pulled around by horses, you are going to be all over this like a bum on a baloney sandwich. Personally, I'm not too big on the horsey stuff. But the firefighting pump was interesting.

There was a stagecoach that used to carry the mail between Northampton and Boston as well. In the foreground is a tricycle with metal wheels and a seat that could only be termed padded in the most rudimentary sense. It made my naughty bits ache just looking at it.

Eventually we escaped Deerfield and went to lunch at Bub's. I'd never been there and it was as close to real southern barbecue that I've had up here... it almost passed. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't true barbecue. They did have some decent collard greens though. No pics from Bub's... I was too busy eating ribs to snap any.

Then on to Atkins for some groceries... and ice cream.

We met a new friend, Judy. Who names a dog Judy?

Blythe ensured the landscapers would be busy next year killing dandelions.

Grandma kept her Terminator shades on to avoid the paps.

Then home for the inevitable diabetic coma.

Mom and everyone leave for Michigan tomorrow morning. I wish they could stay longer, but I did just see mom and Grandma in Florida last month.

I start classes on Tuesday... I think this will be the last fun weekend for a while.

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